Guild info

Dem0ns of Darkness

Guild ID: Dem0ns of Darkness
Founder Name: Russian2218
Date Founded: 2023-12-19
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 148,937,116
Death Fame: 323,909,288
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 18 from 37 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

68 Members
Name KillFame
gxabxrxixexl 10,743,157
Rafissius 348,930
AkoScout3 0
Ghostscout01 0
ChinoAlbino01 5,283,047
ethan31 83,161,912
Randy3am 304,174
stalck 9,939,908
Qiqui 13,776
Nadiia44 50,616
0bama911 3,667,105
Dantolloll 913,058
XRICHARDxX01 5,031,150
cequielo 0
BarbaNegra17801 1,954,535
MTFScotty 8,259,293
SalmonKH 0
BillonarioRiky2 0
Trinitymx 2,714,494
xXMADELEINEXx 13,859,740
TJerarT 15,084,170
ShadowLord1998 3,203,339
tiranosauriored 366,768
LordSinbad20 4,963,726
unod8 1,389,537
Akari23o 123,675
GKiller1302 19,628,665
HSCO 5,194,752
Olympuscley 27,772,170
AaironMan 5,502,082
leonfri 17,611,601
lxTheendx 181,351
AyyyClaudita 117,579
KevinQ2024 52,016
Benji337 5,990,853
BoresPlush 5,304,401
luluRG 167,322
EUZchurro 12,380,939
scorpions04 2,329,612
Samueel32 84,358
kingsslasher1 233,804
paola786 3,211,659
Russian2218 6,456,775
TokyoGa 746,851
Sicnown 4,167,200
Risgato18 3,482,962
JennJNCO 1,080
lukros1406 0
samleiva 606,523
Anemoneae 32,888,057
genecis1171 10,090,582
picaresco 2,878,427
SasoriDanna 1,940,416
Kasfiell 2,485,361
DarkNightZzz 0
Saulalex56 393,942
KazumaSenshi 5,637,792
RERA11725 39,411
salmonela01 0
Elpechocho 0
GeorgeGACO 1,485,703
luandiKiruka 1,924,853
JitterJay 0
Sanmart1955 171,731
LordOteb 5,627,075
MuyMuyEncantador 491,539
Carmike14 5,938,553

Previous Guild Members

90 Previous